Biotechnology / Congress






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current state and future development


About the congress

Dear participants. Call for papers. Deadline for papers is October 05 2022.

The key goals of the forum are to create and expand into the Regions a network of nodes of innovation; form clusters of biotech facilities; set up technology scaling centers, pilot and experimental production facilities for mass production of bioproducts.

The congress participants include businesses and science organizations from 40 Regions of the Russian Federation, as well as international companies. The congress is organized by Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Science and higher education, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Health, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow City’s Department of Nature and Environmental Protection, Department of business and innovations

Key topics of the forum

Fundamental issues of biotechnology
Genetic engineering
Biotechnology and medicine

Congress registration fee:

DOI, selective publications in Biotechnology journal
researcher and/or university/college teaching staff member - 9 000 rubles
representative of an enterprise, financial/industrial company, bank - 16 400 rubles
undergraduate/graduate student (includes publication of a summary) - 6 000 rubles
participant in the contest for young researchers (includes publication of a summary) - 4 000 rubles
distance participation (publication of a summary only) - 6 000 rubles
Registration congress fee after the deadline is doubled